Hell on Earth

Hell is often used to frighten people into behaving well and treating others with respect but is it really that bad a place? Luckily, many films have shown us that the answer to this question is a resounding YES. Gateways to hell opening on Earth is bad news for everyone, with demons, monsters, and nightmarish … Read more

Underwater Amphibious Creatures

Underwater Amphibious Creatures

Need a job done underwater? You might want to look outside of the human gene pool. Luckily, we’ve rounded up “aqua-capable” beings and creatures to make your life easier. From sentient cleaning tools to alien visitors, in this category, we face our 10 favorite characters who are more comfortable in the depths of the deep … Read more

Kings and Emperors

kings in movies

Forget democracy, monarchs rule! Or to quote the great Mel Brooks: “It’s good to be the King.” Some kings and emperors are portrayed in fiction as being kind, strong, and efficient leaders. Others are weak and inefficient leaders of their country, causing disaster and chaos to reign supreme. In this category we face off the … Read more