31 Best American Anime Characters, Oh Yeah!

31 Best American Anime Characters, Oh Yeah!

No matter when or how anime came to America one thing is certain, it has become a staple of modernAmerican entertainment. Today we’re gonna hike up our boots and take a look at the top 30 American anime characters from all different genres and timelines. From the bold, fearless protagonists to the villainous masterminds, these … Read more

Top 20 Best Silver Haired Anime Characters

Top 20 Best Silver-Haired Anime characters

Anime creators are very aware of the meaning of the hair colors they create for their characters. Characters with silver hair are usually pure, and caring, and carry no personal interest. Among the colors black and white, silver hair color is a sign of depression and madness. Silver-haired characters like Kakashi, Gintoki, and Elizabeth Liones … Read more

26 Anime Characters Wearing Hoodies That Evoke Mystery

26 anime characters with hoodie

Anime characters with hoodies wear them for symbolic reasons like obscurity, concealing evil, insecurity, and mystery. The hoodie has a positive-and-negative impact, when worn up, it raises red flags, and vice versa, a hoodie worn down might just look cool or casual. Hoodies get linked to different types of characters ranging from executioners warriors, supernatural … Read more

26 Anime Characters With Most Drip Charm

anime characters with drip

Drip original meaning was to satirize brands’ heavy use of flex culture. But social media made it a popular slang that refers to ‘exudes charm’, ‘fresh and fly’. In essence, it refers to someone who is extremely fashionable with an edge without sweating it too much. In anime terms, any character can drip if they … Read more

Top 50 Best Anime Boys With Long Hair

anime guys with long hair list

Long hair expresses something far more significant in the anime universe. Have you ever wondered why feudal Japanese samurai characters had the longest hair? It’s because it symbolizes dignity and power. Most anime guys with long hair stand out and draw everyone’s attention, it just screams husbando material. So, if you enjoy watching handsome anime … Read more

20 Hot Anime Bad Boy Characters

hot anime bad boy

It almost seems like most Hot Anime Bad Boy characters possess powerful swag personas that are just too hot to handle. Why? because when we think about anime bad boys, we are immediately drawn to them, trying to understand what makes these handsome males tick. Of course, the ideal handsome bad boy walks the fine … Read more